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Statua del Giardino dei Tarocchi Statua del Giardino dei Tarocchi


maretera – Niki de Saint Phalle

Yes, women are strong. And this strength is needed above all in the realisation of sustainable business models. As we know today, the female brain is wired differently than the male brain. Women tend to use the right, emotional hemisphere of the brain, and the female brain also has more connections between the individual hemispheres.

Women are able to create social structures, have better communication skills than men, can deal with complexity more easily and are probably more prudent and forward-thinking than their male counterparts because of these qualities alone. (See: Anders Indset: Quantum Economics page 99 ff).

This understanding has arrived in today’s society, even if it is not yet accepted everywhere (otherwise “women’s quotas” would be the natural distribution).  At this point, then, a reference to Niki de Saint Phalle, who at the end of the last century triumphantly and colourfully expressed the strength of women in her “Nanas” and above all in the sculpture park in Albia (Grosseto).

Let us not forget this strength! This the “maretera” of Impact Manufactory.

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Niki de Saint Phalle (Catherine Marie-Agnès Fal de Saint Phalle)

born on 29 October 1930 in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France
died on 21 May 2002 in San Diego, California

“Niki de Saint Phalle was a citizen of the world, born near Paris in 1930, raised in New York, travelling in Europe, then working in Switzerland, France, Israel, Italy and finally back in California. Her intensely lived life is the stuff of her works, a large portion of aggression is the driving force, but also the love of life and love, together with humour and an enormous work capacity. She was able to turn the wounds that life brought into productivity.”

quoted from Fembio org. biographical research


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