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Business is communication

Corporate Communication

In the past few years, human communication has changed radically due to the digital revolution and social media channels. Around-the-clock availability of messages with virtually no geographical restrictions.

What has this technological revolution, which may only be in its beginning stages, done to the relationships between people and to things? What does “emoji communication” do to our abilty to communicate emotional in linguistic messages?

Communication management is primarily relationship management. The technical evolutions pose a great challenge not only privately, but above all for successful corporate communication, both externally and internally.

So how are the filters to be set up, what messages are to be sent, so that companies with certain products and services distinguish themselves from each other, so that like-minded people are attracted or others are excluded – and this more long term than the quick “like” and “hate” click community?

Which tools are useful to you in your circumstances, in your business, when, with whom, in which channel? What are your requirements for successful corporate communication? And above all, what don’t you like to be the result?

That can be developed, defined, applied and checked in its impact. Impact Manufactory support you in this.

Playing the organ

In direct consultation with the management or in collaboration with internal functions as a sparring partner or in supervision.

For your benefit:

  • Holistic view and approach of an external professional
  • Communication check out of the box
  • Communication planning
  • Ensuring feedback with the brand
  • Special aura for events and texts
  • Interventions in critical and sensitive situations
  • Community management (investor relations and concepts for community building and management)

Pulling the right stops

An organist knows the manuals of the organ, but he pulls out the right stops to create the necessary sound mixes of a piece in the composer’s sense and to move the listeners.

This also applies to communication: to filter out from the wide range of communication tools which create the impact in the long or short term to optimally present you as a person, or as a company or organisation, to your stakeholders.

Because, whatever is done or not done: You cannot not communicate.


Services in the right tonality and with the desired impact


Prerequisite for communicative planning that aims to strengthen the impact of a company/organisation/personalities in the eyes of stakeholders.

Together with the company’s management in a holistic approach.

Development of concepts and formats for campaigns in external and internal communication in a multi-channeling process.

Management of the interaction of different contents and timelines.

Avoidance of undesired impacts – Preventive measures

  • Advice on techniques to avoid possible unwanted impacts.
  • Troubleshooting ad hoc
  • Situation analysis and evaluation
    Derivation of appropriate measures
    Concept for follow-up

Guarantee of maximum discretion, flexibility and promptness.

Concept for crisis intervention “in the drawer”

… even before the danger has come:

  • Concept of scenarios for unwanted impacts and communicative behaviour.

In collaboration with the company’s staff, develop communication plans on a multi-channeling level and monitor implementation.


It is a question of imagination and charisma if your customers and partners want to remember your meetings as unforgettable and special and be invited again.

In order to achieve this, there are various elements that can be used in a very individual, situation-specific and well-dosed way.

They result from creative processes that, above all, always have a new and fresh effect.

Either you flood newsrooms with your mailings, or you bring a topic that actually interests journalists because it is meaningful for their readers.

This can be worked on:

  • Finding topics
  • Check newsworthiness
  • Check factual basis
  • Professional formulation
  • Correct distribution list

Corporate Communication

Being authentic and empathetic in language, image and action has a strong impact on customers, shareholders, employees and business partners. Because it makes values truly shareable.



Instead of a flood of information, set unmistakable messages and signals that cannot be ignored because they come across as something completely different.



Development is life. Questioning, thinking outside the box, dealing with change, reinventing yourself. Development makes people and companies invincible.