Creativity is a child of curiosity
Creativity as a catalyst for innovation
People have different talents, but everyone has creative abilities and is capable of “bringing forth” something new within the framework of his or her personal endowment. This does not necessarily have to be a revolution, it can simply be an unusual way of seeing that introduces new aspects into a given situation.
It is curiosity that inspires the view beyond the given, recognises new challenges and strives to master them.
Innovations are then the solutions that benefit people as new services, products, new forms of organisation and presentation.
What lies in between is development. The process can be trained, promoted and used to find solutions in many fields of activity.
Development is project-specific
Developments and project management go hand in hand
Projects in companies make it possible to systematically work on issues and solve problems independently of day-to-day business.
Not all projects require special creativity techniques or trigger an innovation. Often it is simply a matter of providing the basis for consistently implementing certain measures. Leading projects with an agile stage-gate process takes this into account.
Areas of application for which it makes sense to book Impact Manufactory
At a glance
- Co-creation of sustainable business models
- Strategic planning processes
- Definitions for the creation and development of brands
- Development of communicative strategies
- Dealing with client enquiries / issues that go beyond existing or ready-made solutions
- New ideas for new clients
- New products and services
Every company has its strong points
Impact Manufactory’s Specialities
I am convinced that a targeted and systematic management of creativity and innovation is an important value driver for a company and, above all, that creativity strengthens the employer brand in addition to the positive impact on customers and society.
It is a truism that living creativity strengthens people’s self-esteem. That it makes them feel happy because they experience their work as meaningful. Being forced to do things, on the other hand, makes people feel small.
This service includes:
- Facilitating the development and transformation of businesses into coherent, sustainable and exemplary value creation models that provide a positive impact for the company.
- Defining the new direction: comprehensive from working on the brand core, purpose, value proposition, to touchpoint management. From business partners to supply chain.
- Strategic planning of the business.
- Support during the launch.
- Monitoring of implementation as sparring and supervision partner of the management / executive board.
This service includes:
- Analysis and evaluation of the status quo of a company’s current projects.
- Derivation of innovation- and creativity-promoting elements and measures for optimisation and growth promotion.
This service includes:
- Facilitation of defined innovation processes of a company to ensure target-oriented processes.
- Support of the entrepreneurial innovation management as a supervision and sparring partner.
This service includes:
Organisation of workshops for all hierarchical levels to learn those skills that are necessary for creative cooperation in companies.
Instead of a flood of information, set unmistakable messages and signals that cannot be ignored because they come across as something completely different.
Corporate Communication
Being authentic and empathetic in language, image and action has a strong impact on customers, shareholders, employees and business partners. Because it makes values truly shareable.
Development is life. Questioning, thinking outside the box, dealing with change, reinventing yourself. Development makes people and companies invincible.